CPS Background Check

The Chicago Public League is conducting background checks independent of the IHSA process. Note: you do NOT need to go into the city of Chicago. Some of you may have even received the email below.

The email below is an update to what was previously sent out. According to the email, the CPS will underwrite (cover the cost) of background checks submitted before July 1st, 2025.

The process is straightforward.

  • Click on the link to find the closest location for fingerprints.
  • Print off the form and complete the first five (5) pages.
  • Take the entire package with you.
  • They will complete the same form electronically onsite.
  • Once you confirm the information they will take the digital fingerprints, provide you with a receipt and you will be done.
  • They will submit directly to the CPS and other agencies. There is nothing additional for you to do.
Dear Referee,


First, thank you for your service in supporting our school district.  As part of its comprehensive  Protecting Chicago’s Children Plan of Action (Plan of Action) to improve student safety, and pursuant to the Illinois School Code, 105 ILCS 5/24-18/5(f), CPS is committed to checking the comprehensive backgrounds of employees, vendors (including referees) who have contact with students, coaches, and certain volunteers on a periodic basis.


At this time, and consistent with CPS’ Plan of Action and state law, all referees who will officiate for CPS are required to authorize a fingerprint-based background check as part of the CPS background refresh process. The District will cover the cost of background checks submitted before July 1st, 2025.

Officials who have not cleared the CPS background check will not be eligible to work in SY26 (this August) and beyond.

Attached is the form you will need to fill out and take with you at the time of fingerprinting. A photo ID is required. Below are additional pertinent details.

Locations and hours of operations for Accurate Biometrics (Fingerprinting Center) can be searched by zip code using the website linked below


The following checks are conducted as part of the CPS background check:

    • Fingerprint-based check:

      • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

      • Illinois State Police (ISP)
    • IL State Police Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry

    • Department of Children and Family Services’ (DCFS) State Automated Child Welfare Information System

    • Chicago Board of Education records regarding eligibility for rehire

      • e.g. “Do Not Hire”
    • Faith’s Law disclosure check pursuant to 105 ILCS 5/22-94

For more information about this process, please review the CPS Background Check web page at: Background Check Process.

 If you have any questions please contact the Office of Sports Administration at T  (773) 534-0700 E sportsad [at] cps [dot] edu