May 2023 Beginning Umpire Clinic

The Inter-Athletic Council of Officials (IACO), Metro-Chicago is hosting Beginning Umpire Clinic, designed for new Umpires with little or no experience via  remote learning.

Simply put, you can get clinic credit in the comfort of your home in front of your computer.

Umpires who have not attended an IHSA clinic or who have never umpired a high school game will find this clinic extremely helpful. Our goal is to help you acquire the knowledge necessary to improve your skills as an umpire, get you connected with a Local Officials Association (LOA) and ultimately assigned to high school games. We encourage experienced officials from other sports who are just starting as a softball or baseball umpires to join us.

We will also assist in registering new and provisional (15-16 year old) umpires. Umpires from youth and park district leagues are welcome to attend. Age is not a factor. The clinic will be directed by Illinois High School Association Certified Clinicians. The IHSA registered official may receive either Level 1 Baseball or Softball Clinic Credit.

Clinic 1Zoom MeetingMay 13- 5pm to 9 pm$10.00**

** High School or College Students FREE – If you are a coach, contact the clinician for free admission **

Questions???  Email Don Collings at GLOA-Don [at] comcast [dot] net  or  Text/call (847) 875-0514

2022 IACO New Officials Basketball Class

  • Earn your IHSA Officials License
  • Class is FREE ~ Discounted IHSA License Fee
  • Taught by Licensed & Certified Basketball Officials
  • Income Opportunity
  • Open to ages 17–60+, Men & Women
  • No Prerequisites…Work When You’re Available

The New Officials Basketball Class prepares the participant to officiate high school basketball games. This six-week FREE course includes online instruction on the rules of high school basketball and appropriate IHSA officiating mechanics. Officiating philosophy for the high school game is also discussed. The course incorporates over 100 video clips and numerous review sessions of NFHS rules. This class is ideal for basketball officials with zero to four years of basketball officiating experience. Officials new to the IHSA will be able to obtain an officiating license at a reduced rate. Completion of the class will allow the participant to earn IHSA Level 1 Clinic Credit. Participants must attend a minimum of four sessions to be eligible for IHSA clinic credit.


Classes will run from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on these dates:
Week 1: Monday, October 3 – download class materials
Week 2: Tuesday, October 11 – download class materials
Week 3: Tuesday, October 18 – download class materials
Week 4: Monday, October 24 – download class materials
Week 5: Tuesday, November 1 – download class materials
Week 6: Monday November 7 – download class materials

IACO Football Clinic – Levels I & II

In-person August 6, 2022 – Naperville North High School 8:00 am – 12:30 pm

“Zoom” August 8, 2022 – 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Cost: $ 35.00 (in advance)  $ 45.00 @ door

Advance payment qualifies for both in-person and “zoom” Clinics.

Speakers: Sam Knox, Rick Karhliker, Jeff Conrad, Bill Book, Bill Orris, Jeff Carr, Mike Outten, Tom Hug, Lauri Jordan, Marv Dampier, Octavio Herrera.

Training Sessions – Level Two – 2+ years experience

  • 8:00 – 10:00 am General Session
  • 10:10 – 12:00pm On-field Mechanics

Training Session – Level One – Beginner to 2 years’ experience

  • 8:00 – 10:00 am General Session
  • 10:10 – 11:00 am Break Out Session 1
  • 11:10 – 12:00 pm Break Out Session 2

Vendors will be present: Purchase Officials and Officials Only.

Football Training Class 2022

The Football Officials Training Class prepares the participant by covering game rules, play situations, penalty enforcement, game timing, and mechanics (positioning) through presentations and game film review. After completion of the class and earning an IHSA (Illinois State High School Association) sports officiating license, you will be given the opportunity to be assigned to officiate high school football games for the upcoming season. Officials with 1-2 years experience also find this class very advantageous and are welcome to attend.

DATETuesdays, July 12th 2022 – August 16th (6 weeks)
*** New material is presented at each session
LOCATIONClasses will be held online via ZOOM.
You computer, tablet, etc needs certain capabilities and a camera and microphone to properly participate.
FEEFREE! *plus officials applying thru the class for their first IHSA license pay only $35 (normally $70). You must apply thru the class at the first session and not be licensed with the IHSA in any other sport to receive the discount.
CLINICParticipants must attend 4 of the 6 sessions to meet
IHSA requirements to earn a Certified Clinic Credit
Questions? Contact Training Curriculum Chairperson, Laurie Jordan at training [at] iaco-official [dot] org